Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jubilee of Trees

This is the 3rd year we have gone to the Jubilee of Trees. It just puts you into the spirit. I know that I sure admire other people's talents when I look at all the trees. The kids just love it, we all ooooh and aaaahhhh all the way thru. SO this year the winners are:

Karlie loved the Cinderella Tree and the Candyland tree

Tyler's favorite was the Ginch that Stole Christmas (Very creative, it was a very large Grinch, with the decorated tree on his back.)

Chase has a flair for Asian Decor, his pick was the Japanese themed tree.

I had so many favorites that it was hard to choose, but the beautiful, traditional setting, complete with fireplace was my choice.

After we finished, I was so ready to come home and start putting up decorations, but I have made a deal with the hubby, that those can't be put up until AFTER Thanksgiving. So, I guess I wait a few more days!

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