Friday, December 5, 2008

Service kids

Every month a student is picked from each class based on a character trait. This month it was service. Tyler's teacher was first to let me know that she had chosen him; he serves on the Student Council and is so very helpful, but she was most impressed with the fact that at 6:00 AM on a school day, that he had gone and picked peaches at the church farm. Then I get a note saying that Karlie was chosen as the Service Girl from her class, because she is helpful, and takes the chairs down every morning. It was a proud mommy moment!


Mindy said...

You really do have sweet kids. Youa re doing something right thats for sure!

The Webb Family said...

Cute Cute family! I am so excited to be able to keep in touch.

Dixie Pridays said...

We will miss you guys so much! I am still crying everyday but I hope soon we will adjust. Our kids started school today and it feels so weird. We hope that sometime soon we will be able to move back to st. george our home. Please stay in touch! Wish we could of gotten together. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for everything you did for me and my little family. You will never know how much you helped. Take care!